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Saturday 3 February 2007

Rotten Good for Nothings are Gone - Come Back!

I'm sometimes discouraged with our kids, at how often we have to prod them to get their chores done around the house. ( Imagine that...a child that doesn't want to work hard.) No really, I felt like they were in danger of being rounded up by the "lazy-good-for-nothing" wagon or at least the "never-finish-the job-correctly" catcher.
This weekend they all went off to winter camp with the church youth group, except for Troy. (Did you ever notice that camps charge lots of money to trot your kids away and that somehow we always find a way to justify it?) It will be nice around here...just a little peace and quiet to get things done.

I come down to the kitchen this morning and the dirty dishes are all over the counter and the dishwasher hasn't been run through....oh yea, Kelly's gone. I empty the coffee filter onto the floor because I neglected to notice the trash is overflowing...that would be Grace's job. There sits all the clean laundry in a basket..waiting for Ashley to fold it. And the cat's biting my leg while I'm typing, starving apparently, with Steven not here to feed him.

You know what they say about absence and the heart. I am definitely thinking fonder of their usefulness and quiet has always been over-rated in my mind.

And Troy's job is to look cute and amuse me...and he's earning his keep!


Anonymous said...

You are a inspiration to me and I am very flatered that you have me on your new blogspot. I really needed your comments last night, yes you give me strength to shake this off and to look more productive at this problem with Mike. You are going to momma sargeant today as you get all your kids back into working order, been there, yep no fun. Friends, ktneis.

Anonymous said...

Wow - you, James and Troy sure make a big mess by yourselves!
Our poor children also had to work. There was servant girl and cinder-pelli. Haven't dubbed the other two yet. When servant girl left for TN, I had to actually start cleaning the bathrooms and mopping the kitchen floor all by myself. Let me tell you, that was not fun after all those happy cleaning free years. Happily it wasn't long until a certain little someone could be forced, I mean trained, to joyfully (haha) dust, vacuum and scrub toilets.
Have a fun reunion with your youth and remember to appreciate them because when they leave they never come back to clean, only to eat.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about kids being gone. It's when their gone that I realize that I like them even more than I THOUGHT I did.

(the garbage and dishes thing helps a bit!)