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Saturday 10 February 2007

Joanne's Tea Party

I have a group of friends who just "click". We enjoy each other, our kids, our stories and eating. At one time we all attended the same church and saw a lot of each other but the Lord has sent us into different directions and getting together now has to be planned. Sometimes we're good at planning and sometimes we go way too long without seeing each other. Joanne invited us all to her house for lunch yesterday and it was great. We talked and laughed and caught up with each other's lives. She even broke out the fancy dishes and served coffee in gold teacups. Her homemade cheesecake was topped with homemade cherry sauce, although there was some whisperings about the cherries tasting better had she grown them herself. I tried the self timer on my new camera and here we are all so lovely except that I'm falling over from the 10 second mad dash to beat the timer. Lunch is at my house next.


Anonymous said...

How Fun! You guys are such a fun group of people. I love all of you! Thanks for sharing the picture.


justjuls said...

Aw - Joanne always did have the BEST tea parties! She never let the Sonshine girls use those golden tea cups though!
That just goes to show that friendships aren't about always doing the same thing! You're blessed to have each other!

FreedomInChrist said...

Awwww I miss you guys!!! Looks like fun!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well aren't we just so cute?
And aren't you such a talented photographer?!

Anonymous said...

Oh you are missing someone, you should have waited for me to fly out there. I would fit right in and not cause any trouble. I love chatting with friends in a dignified manner with no kids to interrupt us. We are trying to work out if I can go to FL and spend some time with my friend there. Although a strange thing occurs as we try to plan this event. As we discuss if the whole family will go, my hubby received 2 phone calls about furnaces not working and one that is leaking condensation. So emergency errupts. Then I talk to my FL friend about flying out alone to see her this weekend and her aid that fills in while she is gone just quit so she has to work until 6pm everyday and her boss is getting married and will not be able to search for a new aid until the end of FEB> What is it with FL. Does God just not want me there ever? I thought this was all a little interesting. I guess my tea party will have to be with my hubby but his fat fingers will not fit into the cups.

Anonymous said...
