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Monday 7 February 2011

What Do You Want to Know?

 Leaving public school to come home and learn is extreme.  
It's like stepping off a crowded bus and climbing onto a bicycle.  

There's no other passengers to hide among.  It's you and your mom and she KNOWS what you don't know.

You can't sit and stare out the bus window while the driver brings you to your destination.  Your mom shows you what you need to learn and you have to find your way to do it.

And just like anyone who has been on a very long boring bus ride, some new to home learners are just not very excited about learning.    I've been trying to wake up my two boys this first year home and it's been tough.  I pull out a book and they glaze over.  I read to them and they can't hear.  And math.  Numbers make them angry.

This picture is of Elijah and it was taken at 8:30 tonight.  He's doing research on education in China.  And he's excited.  EXCITED!

Our homeschool group is having a geography fair on Friday and I told the kids they had to each take a part in the presentation.  All of them have been searching the internet and writing and asking questions.  They are planning and typing, drawing and loving it.

My two boy are grabbing the handle bars and pedaling their way into leaning!


Perri said...

8:30 pm - if my kids are working at that time of night, it's because they've messed around all day and just haven't gotten finished - certainly not because they want to!

Way to go, Elijah!

Luke Holzmann said...

I really like that analogy: Bicycle vs. Bus. Very nice.
