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Thursday 31 May 2007

Just Waiting

Grace's surgery to put in a cathater to start dialysis has been postponed until sometime next week. Which means that she has another week to swim and have sleep overs with her best friend Jessie. Her kidney functioning is down to around 12% but her back dive is still a solid 100%. She was terrible in our volley ball game yesterday but that had nothing to do with kidney failure, she just stinks at it.
Our daughter Kirsten, who lives in France, has some thoughts on the entire kidney issue. Read them here on her new Blogspot blog.
Be sure and check out the movie called "Charlie's Testimony".


Kirsten said...

You know, the greenhouse is the one thing that is keeping me from being a real huge whiner. I'm so thankful to have that waiting for me!
Tell Grace I love her so muchly and I'm praying for her and activating a big Frenchie prayer chain for her.

Anonymous said...

OK - so I should probably stop calling your cell phone leaving messages asking how the surgery went.

Perri said...

I'm glad Grace gets a little more summer fun before the surgery. Will keep her in my prayers.