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Sunday 13 May 2007

I Like This Job

Today was a good day to be a mom. All 11 kids checked in..some with cards, one with flowers and one with homemade gifts. Kirsten called first...France is 6 hours ahead of us. Lane was the most excited, Kara gets points for bringing a grandchild. Margie was short and sweet. Kevin whined the most in his call. Aaliyah left a nice message. David & Steven promised to stop bugging the other kids in my honor. Kelly made sure I had nothing to do but enjoy the day. Troy colored in the lines best in his card. Two called collect from jail. Ashley was nice to her other mom (she promised) and Grace was Grace. What other job gives such sweet rewards?


Anonymous said...

Amen x11. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Fifi said...

Eleven calls!....... not much of a day left!teehee
You are obviously loved....... !

Perri said...

Man, you can space your calls out and span the entire day!

sounds like a good one.