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Thursday 21 April 2011

Looking Up

  I have lived within an hour and a half of Washington D.C. for the majority of my life and have taken countless field trips there growing up and again with my kids.  And every time I'm there it amazes me.  Buildings and memorials honoring ideas and men whose legacies are larger even then the monuments themselves.  Museums with floor after floor of carefully collected things that tell the story of our world.  And people from every where doing everything.  Energy and power and all that is America.
  Today we took Corinne, our exchange student, to see the sights before she heads back to China.  Everyone's favorite was the Washington Monument.  You can't help but wonder at it's magnitude.  We have a great country - just ask Corinne.

1 comment:

Duckygirl said...

Wait...we were just there last week! I wish I had known you were that close :(

It was amazing to get to see it in person. I think our family's favorite was the Lincoln memorial.
