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Thursday, 10 January 2008

Hey Baby!

Emily's having a baby photo contest over at her blog and she was giving extra points for baby pictures that included macrame or 60's hair.

Okay, how about poodle skirts? I'm a 50's baby and that cool car
behind me was brand new!


Josh said...

yur so dang cute!!!

justjuls said...

Ditto what Lane said - and it still looks like you!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures! The 2nd one is extra sweet!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaw you are too cute.

Perri said...

I could have matched you to a current picture. I can really see "you" in these.

MaryLu said...

Ringlets and a cool new car to boot!!
What a cutie!
Love the tricycle too.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh my! You haven't changed. Same great smile too.

carrie said...

So aside from those being great shots, is the fact that they are so clear. When I scanned mine, from the late 70's, they were so blurry!

Good job!

EEEEMommy said...

Those are great pictures, and YOU are beautiful!!! :)

ConservaChick said...

You are adorable! That hair, the coat. Goodness, I love this! ~Karlie

Anonymous said...

don't you think you look a little big for that tricycle? Did you beat up some kid for it or what?

Anonymous said...

i love how your blue eyes pop in the black and white photograph... just amazing!

Marci said...

Great pictures. I think yours are more cute than embarrasing as well. =)

Amy Fox said...

aaaaw, those are so cute!

Constance said...

THESE are great! I love this idea of Emily's, it's been fun and given me some good chuckles!

Constance said...
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Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Wow! What a cutie you were...LOVE that first picture. :)

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

Wow! What a cutie you were...LOVE that first picture. :)