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Thursday 13 September 2007

Just a Little Escape

It was nearly 9:30 at night and the house was still humming like a beehive. Lights were on in every room and people were still doing stuff. Loud stuff and asking me where things were and making popcorn and I suddenly felt overwhelmed.
I slipped quietly, unseen, into the garage and climbed into the two seater convertible. Driving away I glanced back toward the house and slipped from the pulsating life into the cool night.... alone. I took the turns as quickly as I dared, feeling the car grab the road. My hair was blowing in the wind and there was no noise but the car humming as I sped further and further from home. The feeling was incredible and I was free!
Then I pulled into Kentucky Fried Chicken and picked Steven up from work. Someone had to get him.


Perri said...

hey, might as well be you. And pick up a little snackiepoo to go :)

justjuls said...

Well you at least had your five minute sanity break! Sometimes you do just want to run away!

Josh said...

you're so freakin' hilarious!!! you should try to slip away by yourself every now and then. remember your favorite daughter named lane will come hold down the fort anytime.