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Saturday 8 September 2007

Growing Old Gracefully but Not Ready to Die

I know I need to change my name from Big Red Driver and fix the header of my blog since David killed Big Red, but I haven't been able to think of what to change it to. I thought about the nursery rhyme I named my blog for, 'There was an old lady who lived in a shoe...." but I didn't know if I wanted to be known as an old lady. Then I had this conversation with our new 5 year old.
"What will happen to me if you die while I'm your foster kid?"
"Honey, why do you think I would die?"
"Because you're so old."
"Sweetie, I'm not old, I'm only 52."
"That's really really really old."
Five year olds expect to have much younger moms and I'm hoping to live well beyond my fifties.


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better you probably could have said you were 22 and she would have thought that was just as old.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

She's a precocious little one, isn't she.

Josh said...

you're the youngest 52-year-old i've ever known. not to mention the best mommy in the whole world.
ps all my girlfriends are addicted to your blog and thought you were one of the sisters when i showed them pictures from france. i love you.

justjuls said...

Oh my goodness!
That is hysterical.
Kendra told my mom she thought she was 100 when she was little - although with my mom it was NOT funny. (even though secretly I thought it was - and then Kaitlyn told her she looked like Ursula the sea witch! much worse!)