My husband is a Jr. ROTC instructor at our local high school and he takes his 4 year seniors on a trip to Hawaii each year over spring break. Of course, he needed me to help chaperone. The two youngest girls are along...homeschool in Hawaii!
After a very long plane ride, we have arrived. Our motel is on the beach in Honolulu and breakfast was outside. I understand why this place is called paradise. (My son just called from West Virginia and it's 34 degrees and snowing.)
I'm liking this!
You LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY snake!!!! I live, in hill measure, just up the road from you, about 3 hrs and yes, it is in the 30's and snowing. :( boo hoo.
At least give us SOMETHING, you know, a pic of the hubby in a Speedo or island men dancing around you, serving your every so we can set our sights on Hawaii.
Instead of Greenbo Lake or wherever.
So jealous.
Can I join ROTC??
I'm a wee bit jealous. :) Sounds like your other commenters are as well!
You just enjoy every minute! You deserve it! Homeschooling in Hawaii..... your 2 girls must be in their element! Are you on the beach, with a pineapple something in your hand?
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