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Sunday, 30 December 2007

What Do You Love?

I started out planning to write about all my electronics and to whine about how little time I had to use them. My husband not only gave me great photo editing software but a new gi-normous lens for my camera. The kind of lens that leaves people wondering..."paparazzi?" I was going to tell about the great shot I missed of a perfect row of pine trees lined up against the setting sun because my 3 year old didn't want me to stop pushing the stroller. James also put an mp3 player in my stocking. The kids all have various brand mp3s as well and I had to download from Itunes and Window's Media and load everyone up with their favorite music. I was going to complain about the fact that there is essentially no time in my day that I can stick two ear buds in and not listen to anyone. (I once counted and "mom" was said 39 times in a half hour.)

Then we went to church this morning.

We sang, "Jesus, Be the Center" and we were invited to come down to the alter and commit to making Jesus our consuming desire for the coming year.

I did.

He needs to be what I read about and get just right.
He needs to be what brings me joy and excitement.
He is what I should get up before everyone else so I can have uninterrupted time for.

Jesus needs to be my passion.
(And He never needs charged or rebooted or downoladed!)


justjuls said...

Jesus may not need to be rebooted - but sometimes I sure do. Are you trying to push my button??? :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah - I was just thinking how sad it is that during the time we should be totally focused on him is the time I drop my quiet time, am too busy for mid-week service. Backwards.

Anonymous said...

No offense taken - I will agree that we may be the funniest looking family ever if you will agree to be at least in the running :)

Anonymous said...

sobering thought. Thanks.

jennifaye said...

What can I say besides a great big AMEN!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Good reminder.

Anonymous said...

If you want more time in the morning I can sleep longer...

Anonymous said...

What very good question