Snow day!! We woke yesterday morning to a light dusting of snow and watched as it picked up through the day. Everyone was EXCITED, especially when the public school dismissed two hours early. Our Homeschool strictly follows the public school schedule as 3 of our kids attend and we would have mutiny if one group did one second more or less school than the other. We rummaged through the attic and drug down boots and snowsuits for everyone. Gabby wanted to sled because in her 5 year old experience even a flurry equaled a sled ride and was disappointed to learn differently. We spent the required half hour bundling up the three year old who like the snow for 3 minutes after refusing his mittens and freezing his hands. One of the kids put her hand on a neighbor’s woodstove and came home with blisters and cried and whimpered for about an hour afterwards. She asked at one point if I thought she was going to die and I assured her that I knew of no “hand on the woodstove” fatalities but that she should consider stopping all the crying or someone may dispatch her to her room for awhile. David and Steven argued with each other and annoyed us all but did get a wreath with a red bow hung in each of the front 13 windows. They wanted to have some fun while removing the window screens with one throw them sailing down to the other on the ground but James put an end to that amusing game. By the afternoon we were back up in the attic, this time hauling down the Christmas decorations and listening to our favorite Christmas music of all times, The Soundtrack of the Grinch who Stole Christmas. Gabby said it was a perfect day when she caught a snowflake on her tongue!
what a great picture!!! it certainly sounds like the perfect day!!! wish i'd been there instead of work!
now, how could you not tell your daughter about that statistic about hands on stove fatalities.
you're keeping things from her, ya know.
and the hurling of the screens down to the ground? Efficient, but not the best idea, eh?
Bah Humbug. Gabby is cute, though.
Throwing things out the window sounds fun.
In order to get over my horrible snow-envy - I keep remembering the beautiful spring that will burst forth in late February or early March when y'all are still freezing your buns off.
I would give anything for some snow.
And that is a GREAT picture.
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