The first few days I watched everyone and noted when they were not being gentle. I really wanted to point it out to them it was so obvious. Then about day three I was disciplining one of my kids and I just didn't think they were getting my point. I had to make them understand what they were doing wrong so I spoke a little louder and made my point in a way that they could see what I meant and how I felt about it and basically implied that what they were doing was going to ruin their life forever. It was something like forgetting to feed the cat. I was harsh and stern and oh yes- rough and caustic. There wasn't a tender word in the whole exchange. Seems the fruit had fallen right off my tree. I was seein
Also this week each of our girls received a gift of a book cover and apparently only one of them knew how to use it appropriately.
Clearly Grace is the only one who knows how to use a book cover. Looks like a combo of skull cap and Roman Soldier head gear.
All parents suffer from the plank (or watermelon) in the eye syndrome, also known as do as I say not as I do. Its good when we recognize it before we get out of hand.
Now, did you ask the cat how he felt - because no one feeding him could ruin his life. I wish my dog could give a certain someone in my house a few choice words about remembering food and water! You know, pluck out the grapes before they turn into watermelons or starved animals.
tehehehe........ yeh, been there done that!!!! I need to go read that fruit of the spirit verse again!!!!!
You're so funny(laughy, not weirdo!).... I love your sense of humour!
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