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Sunday 12 August 2007

By a Thread

Our new little guy has been hard. He is autistic; can't speak at all and bangs his head on floors and walls in frustration. If you try to stop him he hits and bites himself. Apparently he at some time wore a helmet to protect his head but it didn't come with him. He's also a dwarf and is tiny and adorable. Slowly as he's been getting used to us he has calmed down a little and the head banging today has been minimal. It breaks my heart to see him so upset and hurting. He has tiny moments when he looks at us and smiles and today we even got some hugs. Last night I began worrying about how I would homeschool and take care of this little one at the same time. It seemed impossible. This morning in my quiet time the first verse I read was Psalms 41:1, "Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the Lord delivers him in times of trouble." I don't know how I'll be able to take care of him but for now I'm just going to hang on to that promise.


Great-Granny Grandma said...

Oh Kate, my prayers are with you. I don't know how you do it, but it must be the greatest feeling when there's a breakthrough of sorts, like the smiles and hugs. That's huge for someone who is autistic. There should be another psalm that reads, "Blessed are the kids who come to live in the shoe."

Anonymous said...

Hey Kate,
I currently work with an autistic and deaf 10 year old with several other issues. There are times where I could just scream because I don't know what to do with him, but for the most part he is such a blessing! He just had leg surgery and has been in a cast for 3 weeks now. He is hating being immobile as I do too. He's a heavy little thing to pick up. God reminds me daily that he placed me in the job for a reason and I believe it's to receive all the blessings I do from these kids. My prayers are with you because I know what the adjustment is like for both the adult and child. God bless the calling you have!! Love ya, Shasta