Later, David went to town to do some last minute shopping for our trip and to wash and gas up Big Red and pick up his brother from work. As he was driving, my cell phone rang and he looked down to find it. When he looked back up he was driving into and folding in half a small pick up truck. It was a mother's worse nightmare to arrive on the scene and find two ambulances, two firetrucks, many police cars and two tow trucks. David was VERY shook up but not hurt. The people in the pickup truck went to the hospital but are doing fine. Big Red took it hard to the mouth.
I've had worse days.
I'd hate to see what the pick-up looked like but glad to hear everyone is OK. Can't wait to see you on this side of the world and hopefully we won't have ay more mishaps (especially considering our van broke down today but is up and running again).
Oh brother!
I thought the first picture was scary - not cause you look bad - I can hardly see the highlights - but because of the pose I couldn't be sure WHAT you were posting about. But that second one - ugh!
I hope David is alright - that can be very scary. It is a good lesson and I am so glad he wasn't hurt. I had a similar incident the first time I drove on route 9 up the mountain, while leaning over on a curve to pick up a soda that fell over. When I looked up I was in the other lane.
I feel bad for the poor people who got plowed by that tank!
This reminds me - I had a teenage boy hit me in the rear last summer - it wasn't that hard - but it did shake him up pretty bad. I checked my car first - which was fine - and then spent about 10 minutes assuring him everything was okay! hee hee poor guy
The hair actually looks great, might try that look myself :D
Definitely glad to hear David is ok, take it from one who knows at too well that cell phones and driving don't mix.
From the picture your hair looks great... and, by the way, I like red hair and was thinking of getting red highlights.
I am so sorry to hear about Big Red. I'm glad that David is all right, and I pray that the ones in the truck will be ok.
Tav says that if Big Red doesn't make it he is wanting to sell our van. It isn't as nice as yours but it runs and is large. And the price is right.
I hope your trip is wonderful in spite of your life.
I like your hair and you have a great attitude. Vans can be replaced. Enjoy your trip.
David's OK, you have your passports. And you don't look like a skunk, nor is your hair red. See, it really is a good day.
(Really I would need to be on medication if this were going on in my life, but that doesn't mean I can't encourage you.)
Praying that your trip is wonderful, problem-free and a blessing to all. Now go to France and start a new hair highlight trend.
OUCH!! for the van, hate to see the other guy...Your hair looks fine!!
you know, if you've read our blog you will see our boys have been sick. I really believe that when we are doing things for God and really working hard, Satan uses things like the van to discourage us. Glad no one was hurt
Wow. Poor David!
My mom probably told you that the first day I got my permit, I turned into Movie Gallery WAY too quickly and screeched loudly and all that jazz...It wasn't an accident like David's, but it felt like one, and it was NOT fun!
Again I say...Poor David.
Oh, so sorry about your van! Your hair looks good, at least it comes out good in the picture.
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