But, to celebrate our 35 years together, James and I have left them all behind and are enjoying just each other.
Cape May, New Jersey is a perfect ocean town of beautiful Victorian homes.
And it's a quiet town. Just perfect for walking together or sitting by the ocean.
We can talk about everything o
One of the things that has made it possible for us to be able to withstand the pressure of foster care has been the strength of our marriage. The times when I want to run away and join the gypsy circus - James steps in and lightens the load. No matter the difficulties, and some have been very very difficult, we're in it together.
So this time away is not just to celebrate our years together, but to take a breath before plunging back into the chaos.
And nobody has said "mom" in the last 48 hours.
You have a fairytale romance that some only dream of. ----Take that "good daughter"
You two have been a great influence in all our lives,showing us how great a marriage can be. I am glad you two are enjoying the time alone. You two deserve the time away. MOM and Poppa we all miss and love you
You must have gotten bored of the talking about nothing to call me - but it was great to hear from you. So looking forward to dinner - and I promise not to say Mom.
So glad you are having a good time together. You are right, the marriage is so important. In the hard times and the fun times.
Have fun! Cape May looks very cool.
I was going to ask you on the face book wall if you were with or without kids. I also was wondering where in the heck is Cape May? I finally figured out I could go to your blog. Actually someone wrote on your wall how much that like your blog, so I thought I'd check it out.
Yes, your marriage is one to be envied if that's ok. So is it a sin to covet a good marriage? Ok, I just asked forgiveness and I wish you many, many, happy years together to come.
Have a great time!!!
Happy Anniversary!!! Love Leslie
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