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Friday 7 November 2008

Goodnight Moon

Since our last group of little ones has left, it's been peacefull and quiet. No diapers, or crying or bedtime stories. We've all felt so relaxed.
But there were the empty bedrooms. We cleaned them out and then shut the doors. Whenever I walked down the hall I noticed them. Quiet and empty.
We have this big house for a reason and empty rooms have never felt right.
So yesterday, before we began school I asked the girls to pray with me that God would send just the right kids to us to fill the rooms. And I asked if He could do it that day. I think I annoy God sometimes like that.
The girls and I went bowling in the afternoon and James took the call. They needed to place 3 boys ages 5, 9 and 11....Were we interested?
I didn't need to ask many questions, I mean how could I doubt how that all came about.
So tonight I tucked three very adorable boys into bed. And not one of them wears diapers or cried. I'm a pushover for a bedtime story though.


Anonymous said...

Three boys will liven things up a good bit.

jennifaye said...

Oh my goodness, three boys! I am thinking when my kids grow up I might do foster care. Maybe. I will watch and see how you are doing first. lol

Anonymous said...

They are very adorable and keep the house hopping. Your not the only one I love stories read. Can we me and you find a book and at night we sit down and read it together. They are great boys, and I would like them to stay forever

Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness! I've just spent a good deal of time at my brothers house this week because Jenn just delivered the 4th.... BOY! Poor Timber! Ooooo the energy level at that wonderful happy house! God bless the Mommies of little boys in a really BIG way! :o)