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Wednesday 17 August 2011

Sending Off a Little at a Time

  We have had the completely chaotic joy of having my daughter, husband and five kids living right next door in our missionary house for the last year and a half.  The path between our homes is as worn as an old Indian trail.
  But now God has called them away again - not to Africa, France or Israel, but just down the way to Florida.  
  I won't have them running in and out the door hundreds of times a day.  No early morning walks with Kirsten and no Pete the dog digging holes in the yard.
  We've been saying our good-byes in little pieces over the last few weeks.  The kids wanted their  picture taken with their favorite niece or nephew for a frame and love notes have been written and exchanged.
"Sistas" at church
"camping out" in the basement
  Saturday night Kirsten hosted  a "sista sleep-over" and invited all 10 sisters. They did facials and watched movies and talked about babies and good-byes.  Monday night Kirsten and I had a camp-out with all 13 kids in the basement ( it was raining and we weren't about to sleep in tents outside) and we watched movies and ate ice-cream and never mentioned good-byes.
  Last night they packed their van and drove off into the night.  The house is quiet and the grass will begin to grow back on the path.  And I have loved every minute of our time together.
  Good-bye McKenzies!  I love you!

1 comment:

Perri said...

Your life in the shoe is just a series of hellos and goodbyes. I'm glad they are going to be in the same country as you, anyway.