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Sunday 1 February 2009


We packed up all the kids early this morning and drove 10 hours round trip to visit our 16 year old daughter in her new placement. That would be driving with two teen girls and 3 elementary age boys. And it was great.
Our new car has a built in DVD player. I don't know the name of the person who first thought of putting them in cars but I know they went on a trip with their kids and decided to either hang themselves or invent something to keep the kids quiet. It's a miracle. It's better than winning the lottery. I used to be the kind of mom that sang songs on car trips. Maybe teach the kids to sing different parts. I insisted that the kids look out the windows and notice our great country as it rolled by. Car rides were a time to talk and get close.
Now I'm tired. I just want the kids to be quiet while we drive. I look back in the rear view mirror and they're all staring at the screen hanging from the ceiling with a vacant, mindless look. I don't mind that. They didn't see any of the scenery, and I got to enjoy it in peace. They were in their little movie world and I was having no interaction whatsoever.
I've sold out. I'm not proud but I'm very happy.


Perri said...

So far, we've only used ours once. i won't let them use it just around town, but i'm right with you on the benefits of a long trip.

settle me right beside you.

Perri said...
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Fifi said...

We have one, and for trips an hour or more they are a life saver!! I can settle for happy too!!!

jennifaye said...

I am with you on that one!

Duckygirl said...

Having one of those in our van is how I stayed sane during our WA to Illinois move. LIFESAVER for sure!

Halfmoon Girl said...

We are planning in on driving partway across Canada to visit family this July... it is a BIG country...I better find a dvd player to keep us all sane...