There is no excitement around here.....
and no work
and no school
just a few days of relaxing and playing with all the new toys.
I really love the week after Christmas - such a wonderful calm in the year!
Even brothers who have more than a little brotherly competitiveness between them seem to have called a truce.
So if this season is all about "Peace on Earth", why is everyone at my house so heavily armed?
We just celebrated Jeremiah's 8th birthday and there's reason to celebrate.
Yes, of course he's wonderful and he's grown so much and we can't believe what a great son he is, however, the real reason for celebration.....
We're down to 1 car seat!!
In West Virginia to graduate from a car seat you have to be 8 or 4'9". My short children apparently won't be 4'9" until middle school, so 8 years is the goal.
We placed our daughter Kirsten in a car seat in 1977 and it's been an unending nuisance of buckling and strapping and figuring the stupid things out since then.
So Jeremiah has been liberated and we only have one more to go.
Happy Birthday Jeremiah and good riddance to your car seat!