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Sunday, 26 September 2010

Stink Bug Solution

Stink bugs are a plague around here at the Moses and the "let my people go" level.  They have come from somewhere in Asia and have decided that North America is a nice place to vacation and....what the heck, let's just stay here.  

These strange prehistoric looking bugs are EVERYWHERE!  They can do the limbo and squeeze through the smallest crevice to enter the house where they hang out on the ceiling and walls and now and then decide to swoop around the room  often landing on body parts much to every one's dismay.

They are disgusting and everyone is searching for a way to get rid of them.  There have been rumors of certain pesticides that are having some success, but they carry the risk of producing grandchildren that may top out their career as a Wal-Mart greeter.

Stink Bug Hunters
But yesterday James came up with the perfect solution - a Stink Bug Contest.  He presented all of the children with a coffee can with their name on it.  He told the kids that he was giving a prize of $15 to the child that collected the most stink bugs in or on the house by next Saturday.

Within 15 minutes their was not a Stink Bug in sight.  It's big excitement around here and everyone has their eye on the prize.  It is a little gross when the kids shake their cans and the dead bodies thunk around inside and you don't put your nose anywhere near the cans as the bugs are aptly named.

So if you'd like to have a Stink Bug free home here's the formula.

a. adopt 10 kids
b. give them all cans and offer a money prize


We Didn't Have Enough Kids Apparently So......

  Here is Corinne, our wonderfully sweet, smart Chinese exchange student. (although I did not exchange any of mine to China)  She joined our family for the school year through an automated phone call extolling the joys of hosting a young person from another country,to which I responded by pushing the number "1" if I was interested and a few weeks later we were at the airport welcoming her to America!   (I often do things on a whim, but this was a big chance even for me.)

  A few days after her arrival there was no doubt in anyone's mind that she was supposed to be here.  She said she "loved it here" and we love her.  My middles introduced her to Jesus  at  lunch her second day  on the front porch over a ham sandwich.

  Corinne wants to experience all things American.  A friend said they hoped I told her that we weren't a normal American family, referring to our 18 kids and the fact that we homeschool,  live out in the country and none of our kids have cell phones.  I think it's a good thing for a smart young Chinese girl to go back to her country and share this experience with her friends. Maybe she can be a seed to change the One Child Policy that her country enforces or to insure them that all America isn't about guns and drugs (which she believed)

 And in the meantime, she is having a wonderful time catching crayfish in the river.