We spent the afternoon today wandering around Manteo, NC, one of my favorite towns anywhere. Lunch by the water watching sailboats rock in their slips, little shops full of seashells and driftwood and sea glass. My favorite stop was the local art gallery. We watched artists turn canvas into paintings, marveled at sculptures and each person had to choose the piece of art they liked best and tell why. And then I found an Art O' Mat machine. They are re- purposed cigarette machines filled with tiny pieces of art for $5 and a pull of a knob. You didn't quite know what you would get (which made it even more exciting). I scored an adorable mermaid painting from K. Larabee mounted on a wooden block which is immensely better than a pack of Kools. ( which I haven't smoked in 18 years, but when I did that's the knob I would have pulled.)
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